Asyra Screenings

Discover What's Inside: Asyra Health Screenings

Asyra screenings are a non-invasive way of determining energetic imbalances.

The Asyra is an electro-dermal screening device that uses state-of-the-art computerized programming and hand-held probes to non-invasively screen the body for energetic imbalances and areas of stress.

The goal is to detect these energetic stresses before they become problematic. The Asyra does a full organ and body scan along with determining the imbalances in various areas of health, such as nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, food and allergic sensitivities, pathogen signatures, organ stresses, levels of toxicity, inflammation, and so much more. It also identifies the energetic frequencies and nutritional support that will restore balance to the systems of the body and re-establish communication between the organs and glands in the body.

The Asyra hardware and software are FDA-approved.

The Asyra session lasts up to 60 minutes. During the session, the scan is run, and nutritional support is recommended and tested on the Asyra for the level of efficacy and promotion of health.

Asyra Screenings 



Contact Us

Contact Linda at 916-961-0676 to schedule a free 15-minute consultation to determine if an Asyra session is a good option for you.

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